Diatoms, single-celled algae with glass-like silica cell walls adorned with intricate patterns, are ubiquitous in aquatic environments, serving as vital indicators of water quality due to their sensitivity to environmental changes. Remarkably, they contribute to 20-30% of the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere through photosynthesis. They convert carbon dioxide into organic carbon compounds like sugar, releasing oxygen as a byproduct. As the only organisms with opaline silica cell walls, diatoms play a crucial role in the global carbon cycle by sequestering carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, which we and other organisms rely on for respiration, thereby emphasising their ecological significance and contribution to the planet's health.
Welcome to my diatom research page, where I showcase the culmination of years of exploration and collaboration in the world of diatoms. There is work spanning from my collection of diatom images captured through the lens of an amateur microscope to the art inspired by these fascinating microorganisms.
My portfolio encompasses a diverse range of mediums, including environmental art installations, sculptures, photography, prints, videos, and collaborative projects. These endeavors have taken me on residencies across the globe, from Finland to Florida, and have involved partnerships with scientists, fellow artists, schools, residents, printers, and public art initiatives throughout the UK.
Join me on this journey as we delve into the intricate beauty and scientific significance of diatoms, exploring their profound impact on art, science, and our environment.